Database Activity

Create a Database Activity for Sharing Images from Students that may or may not allow for comments by yourself and other students.

Create the Database Activity Container

  1. Navigate to the course you wish to add an activity to.
  2. Turn editing on
  3. Scroll down tot he section you want to add the database activity to.
  4. Click the Add a new Activity or Resource Link
  5. Select Database and click the Add button
  6. Populate the General section:
    • Give the activity a Name and Description
  7. Set limits in the Entries section
    • Approval required: If set to yes, entries require approving by a teacher before they are viewable by everyone.
    • Allow comments on Entries: If you want students to be able to make commentary on given posts change this to yes
    • Entries required for completion: If desired, set this to the number of entries a student is required to submit before the activity can be considered complete.
    • Entries required before viewing: If desired, set this to the number of entries a student is required to submit before they can view entries from other students.

      NOTE: If entries are required before viewing, the database auto-linking filter should be disabled. This is because the database auto-linking filter can’t determine whether a user has submitted the required number of entries.

    • Maximum number of entries: If desired, set this to the maximum number of entries a student is allowed to submit for this activity.

  8. OPTIONAL: If you want this to be gradeable:

    1. Expand the Grade section

    2. If your gradebook uses categories, set the desired Grade Category.

    3. Expand the Ratings section

    4. Set the Aggregate Type

    5. Set the Maximum points to the total worth desired for the assignment
  9. Change any other settings as desired.
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  11. Click the Save and display button
  12. This page may show a big red error- Don’t Panic!
    Click on the Fields tab if it isn’t already active.
  13. From the Create a new field drop-down select Picture

Set up the Picture Field

  1. Set up at least a Picture field type to collect those images
    1. Field NameImage or Picture is probably plenty.
    2. Field Description – put your expectations here
    3. Required field – Check this if this is this a thing your students HAVE to fill out.
    4. Width in single view  and Height in single view – At most- how many pixels wide should this display at when viewed alone – I suggest only filling out ONE of these and leaving the other blank to avoid image distortion.
    5. Width in list view and Height in list view – At most- how many pixels wide should this display at when viewed in a list with other submissions  – I suggest only filling out ONE of these and leaving the other blank to avoid image distortion.
    6. Maximum size – Set a limit for how large of an image can be uploaded to prevent HUGE images that take forever to load from being submitted.
  2. Add any other Fields from the Fields tab that you might want to have students share.


  1. Students can submit away and see other’s submissions too.
  2. You and your students can add to it by clicking on the Add entry tab and filling in the requested fields.
  3. Submissions can be reviewed and graded from the View list tab.