You must already have an Attendance Activity created for these steps to function.
You must already have an Attendance Activity created for these steps to function.
Enter the Attendance Activity you wish to populate with sessions if you have not already.
OPTIONAL: If you want to allow students to mark themselves as present in Moodle but ONLY while on-campus you can set up attendance to allow this!
Expand the Student Recording section.
Check Allow students to record own attendance
Check the box after Require network address.
Enter for the Require network address entry to limit students to marking themselves somewhere on-campus.
Check Create multiple sessions
Set Session Date to the first time your class meets down to the hour class starts.
Set Duration to the length of your class session (my example is a 2 hour class)
Set Session end date to the LAST day the class meets.
For Session Days check the days your class meets.
Leave Frequency at 1 unless you class meets every OTHER week in which case you would set it to 2.
Click the Add session button at the bottom of the page.
You will get a brief confirmation page and moved back to an empty Add page.
Click into the Sessions Tab so we can confirm and clean up our sessions.
We want to view all sessions so click the All link to see all sessions we have ever made for this course.
From here we can remove sessions are aren’t going to use like days the college is closed or where classes otherwise won’t meet for some reason.
Locate the sessions you want to remove (under date they are listed as day.month.year because Australia) and click the x icon under Actions for it.
Confirm your changes and repeat as desired for each date you won’t be taking attendance.
And now that you’re all set up for the term, learn how to take attendance with this activity!