Group Mode for Individual Activities

If you set Force group mode to No on the Course settings page, you will be able to set the Group mode for individual activities separately. If you set Force group mode to Yes you will not be able to edit the Group submission settings for individual activities.

NOTE: To complete the following steps you need to first enable groups in your course, create groups, and assign groups to a grouping.

Enable editing from the top-right corner of the page, toggle Edit mode into the On position.

Turn Editing On button is found in the top-right corner of a Moodle page you have permission to modify content for.

Click on the three-vertical-dots icon next to the Activity or Resource you wish to change to open the Edit menu.

Select the Edit Settings option from the Edit menu. 

Expand the Common module settings section.

Set a Group mode to either:

  • Separate groups would only allow group members to see the posts or work of other people in their own group in a forum or most other activities.
  • Visible groups would allow groups to see all posts, even those in other groups but not post to those other group’s interactions in a forum.

Set Grouping to the name of the grouping you wish to use.

ASSIGNMENT ACTIVITIES ONLY: If you are setting up an assignment activity there is an additional step to get your students to submit one attempt to grade per group.

Expand the Group submission settings section.

Set Students submit in groups to Yes.

Set Grouping for student groups to the name of the grouping you selected before.

Click on Save and return to course.