Percentage-Based Gradebook

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These steps will help you design your gradebook using the Percentage Layout. This is just one part of the gradebook setup that you will need to complete.

Scroll to the top of the main page of your course.

Select the Grades option from the secondary navigation

Select the Gradebook Setup option from the drop-down menu.

Click the Edit menu to the right of the Course Title at the top of the gradebook.

Click the Edit settings option.

For Aggregation, select Natural from the drop-down menu.

Click the Save changes button.

Click the Add category button.

For Category Name, enter the name of the category listed in your syllabus.

For Aggregation, select Simple Weighted Mean of Grades from the drop-down menu.

NOTE: If you want to have course grades accurately represented throughout the term, ensure that Exclude empty grades is checked. Otherwise, students will only receive an accurate score at the very end of the term. If checked, you will need to manually enter zero (0) values for every missed assignment along the way or grades will appear falsely high.

Expand the Category total section.

Set the Maximum grade to the percent listed in your syllabus for the category (i.e. 10% becomes 10 points, 20% becomes 20 points, etc.).

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Click the Save changes button.

Repeat steps 4-7 until you have created all the categories listed in your syllabus.

You will now need to move any existing grade items or add manual grade items to the appropriate gradebook category.

To get the correct total, all grade items need to be placed in a category.

If you did your math correctly, the percentages should add up to 100%.

This means that the course total will display as 100 points and will represent the percent the student has earned in the course.