Home > Welcome to Moodle > Controlling Visibility in Moodle > Restrict Access > Restrict Access: Close an Activity After a Set Time
For preventing date-based late access to any resource or activity.
- Locate the Activity or section/topic in your course that you want to ONLY be available after a certain time.
If Editing is turned on, click the Edit menu and click the Edit Settings link.
Click into the activity or resource and from Secondary navigation click the Settings link. - Scroll down to and expand the Restrict Access section.
Click the Add restriction button. - From the popup list select the Date option- it should be at or near the top.
- Ensure that Access restrictions are set to:
- Student must match the following
Ensure the eye icon is open and set to “Displayed greyed-out if user does not meet this condition – click to hide”
(that way students can see when they’ll be able to access it.) - Set the Date: from the first drop-down select Until and set the time you want the item to no longer be available- remember this is a 24 hour clock, not AM/PM.
- Student must match the following
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click the Save and return to course button. - With restrict access applied you should see the activity greyed out and a note for students as to why this activity is no longer available.