Atto can get a little overzealous in applying formatting that is copied or dragged into the editor, especially in the Chrome Web Browser. This is most noticeable in fonts and background colors applied to the moved or duplicated text and it can be a real eyesore. When Does this Happen? When a course has content [...]
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This is new for us as of Moodle 3.6 (2019/SU term) and is part of a greater article on Moodle Groups and may be particularly effective as a requirement before students can participate in a group activity. NOTE: If you would like students to choose their own groups then this article is redundant and you [...]
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Automatically enrolled individuals will need to be officially dropped from the section by Registration and Records for their enrollment to be dropped from a Moodle course. However, if you have manually enrolled a participant in your course, you may need to manually unenroll them. Scroll to the top of your course page (if you are [...]
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These instructions assume the publisher has provided you with the needed information to set up an LTI integration with their software. If not, contact your publisher's representative for assistance. If you would like to use an LTI integration in more than one class as a preconfigured tool, you may want to connect your publisher's representative [...]
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Many textbook and course material publishers provide a direct integration into Moodle to limit the number of required logins. Working with External Tools/LTI in Moodle CreateGradeTroubleshootCreate Adding a New Activity An LTI integration with a textbook publisher can be created on two levels: If you're trying a new tool or only need to set up [...]
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These instructions assume your publisher's representatives have worked with Online Learning to set up a preconfigured tool for an LTI integration of their software. If this has not been done, please connect with your publisher's representative. If you only wish to try a tool or set it up in a single course, review those [...]
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Moodle isn't designed to be printed. It can be, but isn't particularly attractive or suggested in most cases. If no other options are available, you can use these steps to print your Moodle Quiz. Use the Chrome Web Browser; Firefox is not recommended as its printout is a little more difficult to read. Duplicate your [...]
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A great way to start the term is to open a one-on-one communication channel with your students through Moodle's Messaging tools. Refer to the Communications Comparison Chart to determine which option will work best for your needs. Begin the Conversation Scroll to the top of your course page (if you are not already there). From [...]
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A great place to start putting Moodle to use if you're already familiar with LMS and just need to know what tools do what to create content. There are other tools available for you and your students, too! Check out our Moodle Survival Guide and Technology Toolkit for Beginners.
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This is new for us as of Moodle 3.6 (2019/SU term) and is part of a greater article on Moodle Groups and may be particularly effective as a requirement before students can participate in a group activity. Enter the course that you'll be using groups in. Ensure you’ve already… enabled groups, created those groups (and [...]
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You must have a Course Backup File (.MBZ) before you can restore any course. There are two main methods to restore a course: In your Faculty Workspace - This is typically done to review student grades or coursework for a course no longer in Moodle, or to develop a new course for future use. In [...]
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The staging area is the only place where you can remove courses. If you are finished with a course in your staging area, we recommend you archive the course and delete it from Moodle. Log into Moodle and navigate to your Staging Area. Click the grey More button. Select the Manage Courses option. Locate the [...]
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You will need a staging area for this process. If you can't find your staging area or do not have one, please contact the OLET department by placing a ticket at Online Learning/Moodle Support, or by emailing us at Log into Moodle and navigate to your Staging Area. Click the grey More button. Select the [...]
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In order to be able to search for your courses easily, we recommend that you adhere to the following naming conventions. Course Short Name Conventions Course Short Name should include (if applicable) the following elements (1-4) with spaces between each in this general order: the Year/Term (WI, SP, SU, or FA) in YYYY or YYYY/TT [...]
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You will need a faculty workspace for this process. If you do not have one, please contact the OLET department by placing a ticket at Online Learning/Moodle Support, or by emailing us at Quick SearchManual SearchQuick Search Find your Faculty Workspace: Quick Search (for Sandbox Course) These instructions require that you have not renamed the [...]
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The course start date and course end date come through automatically for provisioned courses. Courses will automatically open and close on those date and times. NOTE: Do not change the course start date and end date of your provisioned courses in Moodle. These dates align with those provided to Course Scheduling (as displayed in myClackamas [...]
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If you set Force group mode to No on the Course settings page, you will be able to set the Group mode for individual activities separately. If you set Force group mode to Yes you will not be able to edit the Group submission settings for individual activities. NOTE: To complete the following steps you [...]
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Select Participants from the secondary menu. Select Groups from the tertiary menu. Select the group you want to add participants to. Click the Add/remove users button. On the Add/remove users screen: Select the users you want to add to the group. Multiple users may be selected by holding down the Ctrl or Command key. Click the Add button to [...]
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