The Question Bank is a pool of questions (with various question types) you can use in Quiz and Lesson activities. You can then set up quizzes using random questions or specific questions from your question bank. NOTE: You can add questions to quizzes directly, but it is not recommended as you will only have access [...]
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The Text and Media Resource was previously called the Label resource in prior to Moodle 4.1. This resource allows you to place content directly on the course page, as opposed to creating a link to takes users to another page. Text and Media can be used to help us format the course page, emphasize certain [...]
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Moodle User Roles (English/Español) Moodle offers a variety of roles with varying access permissions to your course. Some roles can be manually assigned; the roles and their permissions are as follows: Student Role is enrolled in a course automatically (within two hours of official registration) or manually by the assigned instructor. can see the Participants [...]
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Working with Assignments in Moodle The Assignment activity is essentially a file drop-box for students to send you files. Often these files are Word Documents or PDFs but you can request any file type from your students and optionally limit what types of files student can submit. CreateGradeFor StudentsDue Date ExtensionTroubleshootCreate Follow these directions to [...]
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The Database activity allows the teacher and/or students to build, display and search a bank of record entries about any conceivable topic. The format and structure of these entries can be almost unlimited, including images, files, URLs, numbers and text amongst other things.
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Assignments, quizzes, forums or other gradable activities have their own built-in grading tools. We recommend that you primarily grade these activities using the built-in grading tools. There are some tasks such as bulk entering empty grades, removing grade overrides, and excusing a student from an assignment that should be done using the gradebook in Single [...]
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Guest Access allows users to access a course where they are not enrolled. They can access the course via a direct link or the Manual Search for Moodle Courses from the Home Page. Guests can access: pages books files videos labels Guests cannot access: quizzes assignments databases feedback anything grade-able Scroll to the top of your [...]
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Gradebooks in Moodle are very powerful with many features. OLET can help you match your gradebook to your course syllabus. Design (Percentage vs. Points)GradeStudent ViewFinal GradesTroubleshootDesign (Percentage vs. Points) Designing a Gradebook There are two standardized Gradebook layouts: Percentages and Points. Example Percentage Layout In situations where your syllabus has grades broken down into percentages like [...]
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Ideal for webpages constructed by Dreamweaver or other small websites consisting of multiple .html pages, images and/or other resources that are not needed outside of Moodle. Not ideal for items that need regular upkeep but good for quick uploads of preexisting data. Turn Editing on in Moodle Open up File folder with files you want [...]
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You can grade manual grade items in two different ways. The first is by manually entering your grades into the assignment using Single View. The second method is to import the grades from another source. NOTE: If you are using assignments, quizzes, forums or other gradable Moodle activities you should be using their specific grading [...]
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The Q&A Forum requires students to reply to the question/prompt before they can see other responses (with a 15-minute delay). The Q&A Forum also requires the instructor to make an initial post every term before it can be used by students. Add a Question/PromptTroubleshootAdd a Question/Prompt To create a Q&A forum, add a new Forum [...]
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Working with Quizzes in Moodle Quizzes are one of the more unusual activities in Moodle and have some added depth of functionality which makes them seem a bit more complicated to set up. However, they are often low maintenance afterward as many question types are or can be self-grading. You can also be very intentional in [...]
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Rubrics in Moodle allow instructors to use criteria-based assessment forms to grade student work consistently, quickly, and transparently. The tool allows instructors to create their own rubrics from scratch or use an existing rubric that can be modified and filled out online. The rubric is available to students reviewing their grades, and can also be [...]
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Manually Enrolling Users into a Course in Moodle (English/Español) Students who are officially registered for a class will automatically be enrolled in the associated Moodle course. However, occasionally it may be necessary to manually enroll additional students, instructors, or course content viewers. Scroll to the top of your course page. Click the Participants option from [...]
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The Text Editor has many icons that assist with entering content into your course. Several of these icons and functions should be familiar to anyone who uses a word processor. This default text editor allows you to format your text easily without any knowledge of HTML. NOTE: Hover your mouse over each icon to reveal [...]
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How-To Extend Time Limit on a Quiz Quizzes can accommodate extended time limits, due dates, number of attempts, and unique passwords for individual students. These directions look at how to extend the time limit, which is the most common accommodation. However, you will notice other settings that you can also alter. NOTE: Moodle uses the [...]
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When a screen reader sees a link... it verbalizes the word: link before reading the linked text. The linked URL may not be read, so users exploring pages in this way may not be able to tell exactly where a link leads. Log in to Moodle and navigate to the desired course. Enter the desired [...]
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