Default Activity Completion

When you Enable Completion Tracking in your course, all new activities and resources will default to Students can manually mark the activity as complete since that is the only option available for all activities and resources.

If you wish to change the Default activity completion for specific types of activities and resources, you can do so by completing the following steps:

NOTE: Default activity completion will not change the activity completion settings for activities and resources already in your course. To edit the activity completion for activities and resources that are already in place, you will need to use Bulk edit activity completion.

Enter a course with completion tracking enabled.

From the Secondary navigation expand the More button.

Select the Course Completion option.

From the drop-down menu below the Secondary navigation, select Default activity completion.

Select the activity or resource types you want to have the same Activity Completion settings.

Scroll to the top or bottom of the page and click the Edit button.

Define the desired completion tracking settings for these activities/resources.

You have 3 options for Completion tracking:

  • Do not indicate activity completion – This option is best used for Text and Media Resources as well as activities and resources that are not a required/graded element of the course.
  • Students can manually mark the activity as completed – This option is best used for activities and resources that you want students to indicate when they have completed it.
  • Show activity as complete when conditions are met – This option is best used for activities and resources that you want automatically marked completed when the complete a specific task (view, submit a file, earn a grade, etc…)

Click the Save changes button.

Repeat as desired for other activity and resource types.

When you’re done with all the activities, consider adding a Course Completion Status Block or Completion Progress Block so you and your students can track progress at the course level.