Activity Completion: Student Must Post to Forum

These steps require that you have completion tracking enabled in your course.

A common activity in Moodle is to have students participate in a forum. You can set up Activity Completion to mark a forum as complete if the student completes a specified number of posts/discussions/replies.

NOTE: This will not check for a substantive post, but merely counts the number of posts, discussions, or replies that have been added.

Locate and enter the Forum activity where you want to require students to make at least a set number of replies/discussions/posts.

If Editing is turned on, click the Edit menu (three vertical dots) and click the Edit Settings option.


Click into the activity or resource and from the secondary navigation click the Settings link.

Expand the Activity completion section.

  • Set Completion Tracking to Show activity as complete when conditions are met
  • Require the items you wish to include Posts/Discussions/Replies and set the number to the expected number of each.

NOTE: Posts/Discussions/Replies

  • Posts are all-encompassing and will count Discussions and Replies.
  • Discussions are a new thread of conversation, i.e. a topic or question in Q & A forums.
  • Replies are responses within an existing Discussion.
  • If you don’t have a due date set on your forum, you can enable and set the Expect completed on date. This won’t prevent students from completing beyond that date but will post a reminder to students on both the Timeline and the Calendar on the Dashboard.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Click the Save and return to course button.