Activity Completion: Student Must Earn Passing Grade on Quiz

These steps require that you have completion tracking enabled in your course.

Ideal for warm-up quizzes and terminology tests, where you want to encourage students to take a quiz/test until they pass it.

Setup Quiz Activity Completion

Enter the quiz where you want to set up activity completion.

Click the Questions item from the Secondary Navigation. 

Make note of the Maximum grade. 

Click the Settings item from the Secondary Navigation. 

Expand the Grade section:

  • Set your Grade to pass to whatever you want as a passing grade for this quiz.

EXAMPLE: For a quiz worth 50 points I want students to at least get 70% (50*0.70), so I would set my Grade to pass at 35 points. If you want students to earn a perfect score on this quiz, you would set the Grade to pass at the same value as the Maximum grade (50 points).

  • Set Attempts allowed to Unlimited
  • Set your Grading method to Highest grade

Expand the Activity completion section:

  • Set completion tracking to Show activity as complete when conditions are met.
  • Ensure the Student must receive a grade to complete this activity option is checked.
  • Ensure the Student must receive a passing grade to complete this activity option is checked. NOTE: If you do not want to set a passing grade, you should set the Minimum number of attempts to 1.
  • If you don’t have a due date set on your quiz, enable and set the Expect completed on date. This won’t prevent students from completing beyond that date but will make sure students are aware of when they should complete this quiz.

Make any other changes you may want to make.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Save and Return to Course button.