Lista de verificación de fin de trimestre (English/Español) Complete esta lista de procedimientos para cada curso al final del trimestre. Si tiene preguntas, envíe un ticket a OLET a través de Online Learning/Moodle Support. Introduce tus calificaciones en myClackamas > Autogestión NOTA: Las calificaciones no se completan automáticamente desde Moodle a Autogestión. En su lugar, [...]
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Grades do not automatically move from Moodle to MyClackamas at the end of each term because not everyone uses Moodle or its gradebook; you must do this manually to officially submit grades. Login to the portal. Ensure you're in the Faculty view (if you aren't already, you'll find links to different views in the [...]
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Automatically enrolled individuals will need to be officially dropped from the section by Registration and Records for their enrollment to be dropped from a Moodle course. However, if you have manually enrolled a participant in your course, you may need to manually unenroll them. Scroll to the top of your course page (if you are [...]
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At the end of each term, your course will automatically hide on the Course end date listed in Moodle. However, if you have a student who has received an incomplete, you may want that student to have access to the hidden course to complete the outstanding work. Instead of making the course visible to all [...]
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We recommend that you backup your Moodle course before making big changes or at the end of each term. Doing so will: ensure the backup preserves the latest version of your course, and provides immediate access to your content should you need to restore it. Provisioned courses will remain in Moodle for 2 years. If [...]
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At the end of each term, export your course grades from Moodle to an Excel file on your computer. Scroll to the top of the main page of your course. Select the Grades option from the secondary navigation. Select the Export option from the drop-down menu. Select Excel spreadsheet from the Export as drop-down menu. Uncheck [...]
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Courses will automatically open and close based on the provisioned start and end dates of a course in Moodle. NOTE: Do not change the course start date and end date of your provisioned courses in Moodle. These dates align with those provided to Course Scheduling. If you would like to manually show or hide a [...]
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End of Term Checklist (English/Español) Complete this checklist of procedures for each course at the end of the term. If you have questions, please submit a ticket to OLET via Online Learning/Moodle Support. Enter your grades into myClackamas > Self Service NOTE: Grades do not automatically populate from Moodle to Self Service. Instead, Registration and [...]
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