The Completion Progress Block is already included in your Course Structure Template. In order to use its Completion Progress Bar you need to first set up completion tracking in your course. Follow these steps after you have enabled completion tracking on all relevant activities for your course. NOTE: The block does NOT update immediately and [...]
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When you Enable Completion Tracking in your course, all new activities and resources will default to Students can manually mark the activity as complete since that is the only option available for all activities and resources. If you wish to change the Default activity completion for specific types of activities and resources, you can do so [...]
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Setting up Completion Tracking The completion tracking feature allows you and your students to track course progress. Please follow these steps to utilize Completion Tracking in your course. Enable completion tracking in your course. Set up Activity Completion for activities and resources in your course: Individual Activities and Resources Students Manually Marked as Complete can [...]
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Restrict Access to Next Activity Locate the activity, resource, or section/topic in your course that you want to ONLY be available after a student has completed a select activity. If Edit mode is on, click the Edit menu, then select the Edit Settings or Edit Section option. OR Click into the activity or resource and [...]
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This report will show you which activities your students have completed, as well as let you manually toggle the completion status of assigned work for students. NOTE: The report you access through the Course Completion Status block looks similar to this report, but it will not allow you to manually change the completion status. These [...]
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These steps require that completion tracking be enabled in your course. NOTE: You can't automatically check to ensure your student's uploaded the CORRECT file, but you can require that at least something is submitted before the item is marked as complete. We strongly advice that you not to use this type of Activity Completion to [...]
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These steps require that you have completion tracking enabled in your course. A common activity in Moodle is to have students participate in a forum. You can set up Activity Completion to mark a forum as complete if the student completes a specified number of posts/discussions/replies. NOTE: This will not check for a substantive post, [...]
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These steps require that you have completion tracking enabled in your course. Ideal for warm-up quizzes and terminology tests, where you want to encourage students to take a quiz/test until they pass it. Setup Quiz Activity Completion Enter the quiz where you want to set up activity completion. Click the Questions item from the Secondary Navigation. [...]
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Follow these steps after you have enabled completion tracking on all relevant activities in your course. NOTE: The block does NOT update immediately and changes to a student's progress will update every few minutes. From the top-right corner of the page toggle Edit mode into the On position. Locate the Add a Block item at [...]
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You can bulk apply settings to ALL activities but your completion tracking options may be limited to none or manual. Use this process for one type of activity/resource at a time for the most control and the best results. Enter the course with completion tracking enabled. From the Secondary navigation expand the More button. Select [...]
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Completion tracking must be enabled for this option to be available. This feature is ideal for Forums, Assignments, Quizzes, and other interactive activities. It can also be applied to read-only resources to ensure a student views a file, page, URL, or book. You may also consider using the honor system and letting students check off [...]
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Completion tracking must be enabled for this option to be available. This option is ideal for tracking student progression through coursework handled outside of Moodle, such as completing readings or assigned tasks. For items handled within Moodle, you might instead automate this process so an activity checks off after meeting specified requirements. Locate the item [...]
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How-To Enable Completion Tracking Enabling Completion Tracking in a course allows your students to clearly recognize and track the work they need to complete. It will have no effect on their grade. To add Activity Completion to existing activities and resources, use Bulk Edit Activity Completion. To make sure Activity Completion is set up properly [...]
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This is a feature that must be enabled in your class by your instructor (so you may not see it in all or any of your classes). If you don't see these tags to the right of your activities then you don't have Completion Tracking available to you in this course. If you do have [...]
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