The Moodle Book is similar to an e-book and—unlike a standard PDF or Word document—is designed to be accessible for all users, regardless of disabilities, devices, or screen sizes. The multi-page resource is compact and easily navigable via its table of contents. Create a BookAdd a ChapterEdit ChapterImporting Word DocumentsOrganize ChaptersCreate a Book A Moodle [...]
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Forum activities are generally used to stimulate online discussions. NOTE: All courses come with an Ask & Share Forum to use for class-wide announcements. This forum is part of the Course Structure Template and does not adhere to the following instructions. Please contact for assistance if you need to create an Ask & Share [...]
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Working with Assignments in Moodle The Assignment activity is essentially a file drop-box for students to send you files. Often these files are Word Documents or PDFs but you can request any file type from your students and optionally limit what types of files student can submit. CreateGradeFor StudentsDue Date ExtensionTroubleshootCreate Follow these directions to [...]
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The Database activity allows the teacher and/or students to build, display and search a bank of record entries about any conceivable topic. The format and structure of these entries can be almost unlimited, including images, files, URLs, numbers and text amongst other things.
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Working with Quizzes in Moodle Quizzes are one of the more unusual activities in Moodle and have some added depth of functionality which makes them seem a bit more complicated to set up. However, they are often low maintenance afterward as many question types are or can be self-grading. You can also be very intentional in [...]
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