The Ask & Share forum is a special forum for class announcements. This forum appears in the Course Essentials section of each course. Additionally, the Latest Announcements block can work in tandem with the Ask & Share forum to display recent posts. You and your students may post or reply to the Ask & Share [...]
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Instructors can privately reply to a post within a Forum. This feedback method pairs well with Grading via Forum Ratings but can be used to provide more pointed feedback or direction in any forum setup. Private reply visibility and functionality: Other students CANNOT able to see these responses. Others with Teacher permissions (or higher) in [...]
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Whole forum grading is an alternative to grading Forums using ratings. This allows you to view and grade all forum posts made by a specific student at one time. NOTE: If you want to provide detailed feedback when using whole forum grading, consider using a Moodle Rubric or Grading guide instead of Simple direct grading [...]
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If you set Force group mode to No on the Course settings page, you will be able to set the Group mode for individual activities separately. If you set Force group mode to Yes you will not be able to edit the Group submission settings for individual activities. NOTE: To complete the following steps you [...]
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Groupings are mostly used in Forums setup for multiple groups working on separate tasks within a single Forum or Assignment activity. From the Groups screen we left off on (in the previous step), click on the Groupings tab. Notice that the Groupings section is empty. You will need to put the Groups you created into [...]
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This applies to Forums set up to use Ratings. Enter the (Open) Forum you wish you enter grades for. Enter the Discussion you wish to enter grades for. (Does not apply for Single Simple Discussion or Blog style forums) Read over a student's post. Locate the Rating... drop-down menu in the bottom-left corner. You can tell [...]
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Forum activities are generally used to stimulate online discussions. NOTE: All courses come with an Ask & Share Forum to use for class-wide announcements. This forum is part of the Course Structure Template and does not adhere to the following instructions. Please contact for assistance if you need to create an Ask & Share [...]
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A Discussion within a forum is the start of a new Topic or the posing of a question that solicits replies from other students and/or your instructor. You can experiment with forums hands-on in our Moodle 101 Self-Guided Student Orientation. You may use Discussions in a forum to: Start a new conversation by posting your [...]
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The Q&A Forum requires students to reply to the question/prompt before they can see other responses (with a 15-minute delay). The Q&A Forum also requires the instructor to make an initial post every term before it can be used by students. Add a Question/PromptTroubleshootAdd a Question/Prompt To create a Q&A forum, add a new Forum [...]
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Rubrics in Moodle allow instructors to use criteria-based assessment forms to grade student work consistently, quickly, and transparently. The tool allows instructors to create their own rubrics from scratch or use an existing rubric that can be modified and filled out online. The rubric is available to students reviewing their grades, and can also be [...]
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Forum subscriptions allow you to, via email, stay up to date with the goings-on in a given forum. When you are subscribed to a forum you will be sent an email for each post made to the forum you are subscribed to. This can be desirable for keeping tabs on a conversation or annoying in [...]
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This is an advanced topic. You should be familiar with Moodle and setting up courses before you try the following. An instructor can organize users into Groups across an entire course and within particular activities of a course. Creating groups allows you to organize students for more efficient administration. You can filter activities and gradebook [...]
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