Courses appear differently depending on the role you have in the course. It can be beneficial when designing a course to view the course as a student. You can use the switch role feature to temporarily view the course in another role. Enter the course you wish to view as a student. Click on the [...]
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Sometimes something will appear missing or misbehaving when attempting to grade assignments one-at-a-time. If none of the below options work you can always grade assignments offline entirely! Can't see or Grade all Students A new issue as of Moodle 3.8 this is the cause of an overzealous Filter on your selection of students. It can [...]
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Instructors can privately reply to a post within a Forum. This feedback method pairs well with Grading via Forum Ratings but can be used to provide more pointed feedback or direction in any forum setup. Private reply visibility and functionality: Other students CANNOT able to see these responses. Others with Teacher permissions (or higher) in [...]
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This is new for us as of Moodle 3.6 (2019/SU term) and is part of a greater article on Moodle Groups and may be particularly effective as a requirement before students can participate in a group activity. NOTE: If you would like students to choose their own groups then this article is redundant and you [...]
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You will need a faculty workspace for this process. If you do not have one, please contact the OLET department by placing a ticket at Online Learning/Moodle Support, or by emailing us at Quick SearchManual SearchQuick Search Find your Faculty Workspace: Quick Search (for Sandbox Course) These instructions require that you have not renamed the [...]
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While student grades could be appearing incorrectly in the gradebook for a number of reasons the most common issues we see can be fixed with the following steps. Enter the gradebook of the course with oddly low grades. Select the Grades option from the Secondary Navigation. Select the Gradebook Setup option from the Tertiary Navigation. Locate the name [...]
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Moodle's Gradebook aligns with the best practice in online pedagogy to provide learners with a well designed and up-to-date gradebook. However, if your gradebook needs some work, you can temporarily hide it until it's ready: Enter your Moodle course. Select the Settings option on the Secondary Navigation. Expand the Appearance section. Change Show gradebook to students [...]
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If you inherited a course from another instructor or just plain don't remember the password you set last term/year you, as an instructor, can check and update that password for you and your students. Enter the Quiz in question as you normally would (Editing does not need to be enabled) From the Secondary navigation at [...]
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If a student reports they cannot see or are unable to submit work to an assignment activity check the following assignment settings: Enter the Assignment activity. Select the Settings option from the secondary navigation. Expand the Availability section. If Allow submissions from is enabled, ensure that this date has already passed. If Cut-off date is [...]
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If you have an assignment activity with cases of students submitting drafts instead of proper submissions this can be disorienting as: It will... Prevent the grading filters from showing assignments that need grading/have been submitted Will not accurately reflect time remaining (things will appear late when they are, in fact not late at all.) It will not... [...]
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Hidden Content If your course is a Work-in-Progress you can hide course content from students till you are ready for them to access it. This will prevent students from accessing content early and becoming confused or concerned about the content. You can also restrict access to activities (and sections) to prevent students from accessing activities [...]
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The Text and Media Resource was previously called the Label resource in prior to Moodle 4.1. This resource allows you to place content directly on the course page, as opposed to creating a link to takes users to another page. Text and Media can be used to help us format the course page, emphasize certain [...]
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Guest Access allows users to access a course where they are not enrolled. They can access the course via a direct link or the Manual Search for Moodle Courses from the Home Page. Guests can access: pages books files videos labels Guests cannot access: quizzes assignments databases feedback anything grade-able Scroll to the top of your [...]
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You can grade manual grade items in two different ways. The first is by manually entering your grades into the assignment using Single View. The second method is to import the grades from another source. NOTE: If you are using assignments, quizzes, forums or other gradable Moodle activities you should be using their specific grading [...]
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The Q&A Forum requires students to reply to the question/prompt before they can see other responses (with a 15-minute delay). The Q&A Forum also requires the instructor to make an initial post every term before it can be used by students. Add a Question/PromptTroubleshootAdd a Question/Prompt To create a Q&A forum, add a new Forum [...]
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Courses will automatically open and close based on the provisioned start and end dates of a course in Moodle. NOTE: Do not change the course start date and end date of your provisioned courses in Moodle. These dates align with those provided to Course Scheduling. If you would like to manually show or hide a [...]
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There are a few settings you will want to take care to verify before making your class visible. Scroll to the top of your main course page. From the secondary navigation, select the Settings item. On the Edit course settings page, check the following settings Under the General sub-category, confirm the Course full name and Course [...]
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This is an advanced topic. You should be familiar with Moodle and setting up courses before you try the following. An instructor can organize users into Groups across an entire course and within particular activities of a course. Creating groups allows you to organize students for more efficient administration. You can filter activities and gradebook [...]
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