You must have a Course Backup File (.MBZ) before you can restore any course. There are two main methods to restore a course: In your Faculty Workspace - This is typically done to review student grades or coursework for a course no longer in Moodle, or to develop a new course for future use. In [...]
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The staging area is the only place where you can remove courses. If you are finished with a course in your staging area, we recommend you archive the course and delete it from Moodle. Log into Moodle and navigate to your Staging Area. Click the grey More button. Select the Manage Courses option. Locate the [...]
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You will need a staging area for this process. If you can't find your staging area or do not have one, please contact the OLET department by placing a ticket at Online Learning/Moodle Support, or by emailing us at Log into Moodle and navigate to your Staging Area. Click the grey More button. Select the [...]
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In order to be able to search for your courses easily, we recommend that you adhere to the following naming conventions. Course Short Name Conventions Course Short Name should include (if applicable) the following elements (1-4) with spaces between each in this general order: the Year/Term (WI, SP, SU, or FA) in YYYY or YYYY/TT [...]
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You will need a faculty workspace for this process. If you do not have one, please contact the OLET department by placing a ticket at Online Learning/Moodle Support, or by emailing us at Quick SearchManual SearchQuick Search Find your Faculty Workspace: Quick Search (for Sandbox Course) These instructions require that you have not renamed the [...]
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Guest Access allows users to access a course where they are not enrolled. They can access the course via a direct link or the Manual Search for Moodle Courses from the Home Page. Guests can access: pages books files videos labels Guests cannot access: quizzes assignments databases feedback anything grade-able Scroll to the top of your [...]
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A workspace is an area where you can create, modify, and delete Moodle courses. You can use the workspace to experiment with Moodle Activities and Resources, develop a future course, restore a past course, share course resources between courses, etc. Access your WorkspaceAdd a CourseDelete a CourseUse your WorkspaceAccess your Workspace Get a Workspace Workspaces [...]
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