The Moodle Book is similar to an e-book and—unlike a standard PDF or Word document—is designed to be accessible for all users, regardless of disabilities, devices, or screen sizes. The multi-page resource is compact and easily navigable via its table of contents. Create a BookAdd a ChapterEdit ChapterImporting Word DocumentsOrganize ChaptersCreate a Book A Moodle [...]
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Roles de usuario en Moodle (English/Español) Moodle ofrece una variedad de roles con diferentes permisos de acceso a tú curso. Algunos roles pueden ser asignados manualmente; los roles y sus permisos son los siguientes: Course Content Viewer Role está inscrito en un curso manualmente por el instructor asignado o administrador. no puede ver la lista [...]
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There are a number of ways to integrate multimedia into your Moodle course. This article will help you determine which tool best suits your needs. You can also add pre-existing academic video resources like those provided by the CCC Library to your Moodle courses. Tool Name with Article Link Record Audio/Video(ATTO text editor) Embed Kaltura [...]
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Sharing Kaltura Videos Since Zoom Cloud Recording storage is limited, we recommend that you host your videos in Kaltura. Kaltura videos can be accessed using My Media in Moodle ( and MediaSpace ( Kaltura Video Resource in MoodleEmbed Kaltura Video in Moodle ResourceShare Link to Kaltura Video Outside MoodleKaltura Video Resource in Moodle The Kaltura Video [...]
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Working with Messages in Moodle Tool Name with Article Link Ask & Share Forum (Included in Course Template) Bulk Moodle messaging (Participants page) Bulk Email through Self Service (MyClackamas Portal) Quickmail block (third party plugin) General Guide Ideal for course announcements that are not time sensitive. These can be seen by ALL students in a visible [...]
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The Kaltura Media Assignment activity allows students to submit a video directly to you for grading. The media can be either a pre-recorded, edited video (.mov, mp4) or an instantly-recorded video using Kaltura Express Capture or the Kaltura Capture App. CreateGradeCreate You can create a Kaltura Media Assignment much like any other Activity in Moodle. [...]
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Many textbook and course material publishers provide a direct integration into Moodle to limit the number of required logins. Working with External Tools/LTI in Moodle CreateGradeTroubleshootCreate Adding a New Activity An LTI integration with a textbook publisher can be created on two levels: If you're trying a new tool or only need to set up [...]
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A great place to start putting Moodle to use if you're already familiar with LMS and just need to know what tools do what to create content. There are other tools available for you and your students, too! Check out our Moodle Survival Guide and Technology Toolkit for Beginners.
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Zoom is a synchronous online collaboration tool that can be used to conduct and record online lectures, host office hours, set up group meeting spaces, and more—all with annotation and whiteboard capabilities.
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Enrollments in Moodle is a wide and varied topic that spans a couple of different tools and terminologies and is dependent on a few systems across campus. CreateGradeTroubleshootCreate Adding a New Enrollment With the Moodle teacher role, you can give other people access to your Moodle content as long as they have a or [...]
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Hidden Content If your course is a Work-in-Progress you can hide course content from students till you are ready for them to access it. This will prevent students from accessing content early and becoming confused or concerned about the content. You can also restrict access to activities (and sections) to prevent students from accessing activities [...]
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Restrict Access is a Moodle plugin that can be applied to Activities and Resources and used to limit access based on group, password, completion tracking, date/time, and more. ApplyGradeTroubleshootApply Applying Restrict Access to an Activity or Resource You can apply open and close dates to any activity or resource and have it still show grades [...]
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Workshops are a Moodle activity which is highly customizable and thus takes a comparatively high amount of setup but facilitates peer review within a class. This activity features: Two grading values: student submissions as well as peer review Multiple Phases of activity function: Setup, Submission, Assessment, Grading Evaluation, and Closed. Some of these phases can [...]
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The Question Bank is a pool of questions (with various question types) you can use in Quiz and Lesson activities. You can then set up quizzes using random questions or specific questions from your question bank. NOTE: You can add questions to quizzes directly, but it is not recommended as you will only have access [...]
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The Text and Media Resource was previously called the Label resource in prior to Moodle 4.1. This resource allows you to place content directly on the course page, as opposed to creating a link to takes users to another page. Text and Media can be used to help us format the course page, emphasize certain [...]
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Moodle User Roles (English/Español) Moodle offers a variety of roles with varying access permissions to your course. Some roles can be manually assigned; the roles and their permissions are as follows: Student Role is enrolled in a course automatically (within two hours of official registration) or manually by the assigned instructor. can see the Participants [...]
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Working with Assignments in Moodle The Assignment activity is essentially a file drop-box for students to send you files. Often these files are Word Documents or PDFs but you can request any file type from your students and optionally limit what types of files student can submit. CreateGradeFor StudentsDue Date ExtensionTroubleshootCreate Follow these directions to [...]
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Gradebooks in Moodle are very powerful with many features. OLET can help you match your gradebook to your course syllabus. Design (Percentage vs. Points)GradeStudent ViewFinal GradesTroubleshootDesign (Percentage vs. Points) Designing a Gradebook There are two standardized Gradebook layouts: Percentages and Points. Example Percentage Layout In situations where your syllabus has grades broken down into percentages like [...]
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