Compose a Course Message in Quickmail Communication with students is very important aspect of online learning. Quickmail can be used to compose a course message to your entire course, select groups, or specific users. These messages can be sent immediately or you can schedule your message to be sent at a specific date and time. [...]
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How-To Set Up My Signature in Quickmail Set up a signature in Quickmail so you don't have to type in your full signature to each message. If you haven't already you need to Add the Quickmail Block to your course. Click on the My Signature link on the Quickmail Block. In the Select Signature To Edit drop-down [...]
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How-To Configure your Quickmail block There are a few default settings in your Quickmail configuration that you may wish to change to make the Quickmail block be more efficient. If you haven't already you need to Add the Quickmail Block to your course. Click on the Configuration link on the Quickmail Block. Select Course short [...]
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How-To Add the Quickmail Block Student communication is important. Sometimes you may want to email the entire course or select students at the same time. You can use Microsoft Outlook to do this, but you may find it easier to use the Quickmail Block in Moodle. The Quickmail Block will allow you to compose these [...]
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The Ask & Share forum is a special forum for class announcements. This forum appears in the Course Essentials section of each course. Additionally, the Latest Announcements block can work in tandem with the Ask & Share forum to display recent posts. You and your students may post or reply to the Ask & Share [...]
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