Sometimes when using the PDF annotator built into Assignment grading a student will submit a file and the preview will be blank, there may still be some ways to see what the student submitted or otherwise have that student save their work before submitting it to you. Often when this happens the software the student [...]
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If you want to grade assignment activity work in bulk (after everything has been submitted) or offline (ideal for grading while traveling or otherwise with network difficulties ahead) see our article on Grading Assignment Activities in Bulk/Offline. Navigate to the course you have grading to do in Locate the Assignment in question and click into [...]
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There are two processes that you can use to grade Moodle assignments in bulk offline. You can use these processes together or separately depending on what you are trying to accomplish. You can also grade the assignment activity within Moodle. Worksheet Scores/FeedbackAnnotating FilesWorksheet Scores/Feedback You can use this process to download a CSV file in [...]
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So lets say you have a file that was created with MS Office 2013 and someone you are trying to share with can't seem to open it because their software is too old. Follow these steps to create a more friendly file for them. Export a file for use by Older MS Word Versions Select [...]
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We recommend that you backup your Moodle course before making big changes or at the end of each term. Doing so will: ensure the backup preserves the latest version of your course, and provides immediate access to your content should you need to restore it. Provisioned courses will remain in Moodle for 2 years. If [...]
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Office 365 is a useful and inexpensive tool to use in creating documents for course assignments, quizzes or forum posts. But there are so many ways to share, post or save your documents in 365, that it can cause confusion when submitting finished work as part of a Moodle course. Keep it simple. Save any [...]
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Making a Folder on your desktop: Right click somewhere empty on either your desktop or within a chosen folder or drive. Hover your mouse over New (You don't need to click but if you don't get an option you certainly may click on it.) Click Folder. In the highlighted area, type the name for the folder. [...]
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