These instructions assume the publisher has provided you with the needed information to set up an LTI integration with their software. If not, contact your publisher's representative for assistance. If you would like to use an LTI integration in more than one class as a preconfigured tool, you may want to connect your publisher's representative [...]
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Many textbook and course material publishers provide a direct integration into Moodle to limit the number of required logins. Working with External Tools/LTI in Moodle CreateGradeTroubleshootCreate Adding a New Activity An LTI integration with a textbook publisher can be created on two levels: If you're trying a new tool or only need to set up [...]
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These instructions assume your publisher's representatives have worked with Online Learning to set up a preconfigured tool for an LTI integration of their software. If this has not been done, please connect with your publisher's representative. If you only wish to try a tool or set it up in a single course, review those [...]
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