Grades do not automatically move from Moodle to MyClackamas at the end of each term because not everyone uses Moodle or its gradebook; you must do this manually to officially submit grades.
Grades do not automatically move from Moodle to MyClackamas at the end of each term because not everyone uses Moodle or its gradebook; you must do this manually to officially submit grades.
Login to the portal.
Ensure you’re in the Faculty view (if you aren’t already, you’ll find links to different views in the red section in the top-right corner of the page)
Click the Self Service link in the navy section near the top of the page.
You should see all your assigned terms and courses listed below Manage your courses by selecting a section below.
Under the appropriate term, click the name of your course.
NOTE: If the course you seek is NOT listed here for some reason, you might explore other terms or contact your Department Administrative Assistant to ensure you are officially assigned to this course.
Your students will be listed below.
Enter the Letter Grade for each student as they appear in your records.
NOTE: HR has created some documentation for this process: Grading Instructions (PDF) and Grading FAQ (PDF)