Quiz: Giving a Student an Additional Attempt

Home > Moodle Activities & Resources > Quiz Activity (Exam or Test) > Quiz: Giving a Student an Additional Attempt

This is ideal when you want to give a student a second chance on a quiz and want to keep their first attempt on record or factored into their grade. Or, you can completely remove an attempt.

From within the secondary navigation, click More.

Select Overrides from the list.

From Override user, select the User you wish to override.

NOTE: If you want to set the same override for multiple students, you will want to set up a group and use the Group override option instead of User override.

Set the Attempts allowed drop-down to the total number of attempts including the override.

NOTE: You may change some of the other settings for this particular user too, like the Close the quiz date or Time limit.


Click the Save button.

NOTE: If you need to add a different override for this same quiz, you can use the Save and enter another override button to save the current override and start another.

Ensure that your quiz grades are calculated with this change in mind; from the Quiz secondary navigation, click the Settings option.

Scroll down and expand the Grade section.

Ensure that Grading Method is set to accommodate the added attempts. You may wish to select the Highest grade, Average grade, or Last attempt. 

Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Click the Save and return to course button.