Gradebook: Export Grades

Home > Welcome to Moodle > Gradebook > Gradebook: Export Grades

At the end of each term, export your course grades from Moodle to an Excel file on your computer.

Scroll to the top of the main page of your course.

Select the Grades option from the secondary navigation.

Select the Export option from the drop-down menu.

Select Excel spreadsheet from the Export as drop-down menu.

Uncheck any unwanted grade items.

Use Export format options to determine the data format (more or less decimals, points or percentage, include feedback).

When you are ready, click the Download button at the bottom of the page.

If the Save As dialogue box appears, choose where to save and what to name the file. Then, click Save.

NOTE: If a dialogue box does not appear, the file was saved to your downloads folder by default. Be sure to move your file from the downloads folder to an appropriate location on your computer.