Bulk Assignment Grading (Offline)

There are two processes that you can use to grade Moodle assignments in bulk offline. You can use these processes together or separately depending on what you are trying to accomplish. You can also grade the assignment activity within Moodle.

You can use this process to download a CSV file in which you can enter scores and general feedback. This feedback will appear in the gradebook for students to view.

NOTE: You can only use the Offline grading worksheet if you are using the Simple direct grading method. You will have to grade within Moodle if you are using an advanced grading method, such as Rubric or Grading guide.

Click on the Assignment link.

Select Settings from the secondary navigation menu.

Expand the Feedback types section.

Check the Offline grading worksheet checkbox.

Click the Save and Display button at the bottom of the page.

Click the View all submissions button.

Select the Download grading worksheet option from the Grading action drop-down menu.

Save the file to your computer when prompted.

NOTE: If you are not prompted to save your file, check the downloads folder on your computer.

Enter the student scores in the Grade column.

Enter feedback in the Feedback comments column.

NOTE: Do not change column headings or the column arrangement of the worksheet. Doing so will cause errors when you go to upload the file in Moodle.

Save the file as a CSV.

Click on the Assignment link.

Click the View all submissions button.

Select the Upload grading worksheet option from the Grading action drop-down menu.

Drag and drop your grading worksheet file into the dashed box…


click the Choose a file… button and select the grading worksheet you’ve edited.

Click the Upload grading worksheet button.

Click the Confirm button.

NOTE: If you get an error you might have edited the columns or column headings in the file that you downloaded, or you may not have saved the file as a CSV file. Retrace your actions.

This process allows you to download all the file submissions at once to provide inline comments/annotations offline. Once you have finished with the annotations, you can upload the files back into Moodle so students can view your inline comments.

If you also want to assign a score and other general assignment feedback, you will need to follow the Scores/Feedback tab instructions too.

Click on the Assignment link where you want to grade.

Click the View all submissions button.

Click the Download all submissions button.

NOTE: If you do not see the Download all submissions button, verify that at least one student has submitted a file for grading.

Save the zip file to your computer.

NOTE: If the Save As dialog box does not appear, the file was likely saved to your Downloads folder automatically.

Extract the compressed zip file you just saved.

Open each student file in the appropriate program.

Make comments and annotations to the file.

Save the file with the same name.

NOTE: Each student’s file will contain their name, and it is important that you leave that information unchanged so you can upload the feedback files successfully.

Select all the feedback files you’ve edited.

Zip the files into a compressed (zipped) folder.

Use the Grading action drop-down menu to select the Upload multiple feedback files in a zip option.

NOTE: If this option is not available, check the assignment settings and verify that the Feedback files option is checked in the Feedback types section.

Drag and drop your compressed feedback files into the dashed box…


click the Choose a file… button and select the compressed feedback files you’ve edited.

Click the Import feedback file(s) button.

Click the Confirm button.

Then, click the Continue button.

Verify that the correct files have been added to the Feedback files column.