Whole Forum Grading

Whole forum grading is an alternative to grading Forums using ratings. This allows you to view and grade all forum posts made by a specific student at one time.

NOTE: If you want to provide detailed feedback when using whole forum grading, consider using a Moodle Rubric or Grading guide instead of Simple direct grading which only allows you to enter a score.

Simple direct grading will allow you to enter a single score for each student.

Click the Forum link in the desired course.

Click the Grade users button.

All posts made by the student will appear on the left side of the page.

If context is needed to grade, click the View parent post link or View discussion button.

Enter the score earned by the student in the Grades field on the right side of the page.

NOTE: Simple direct grading will not allow you to leave feedback. You can add a private reply, or use a Rubric or Grading guide which allow you to add feedback.

Verify the Notifications option is correct.

NOTE: The default notification option is determined when you add a forum to your course.

Click the Save button at the top-right corner of the page.

Use the arrows to navigate between enrolled students.

NOTE: Use the magnifying glass if you want to grade a particular student.

Click the Close button in the top-right corner once all students have been graded.

A rubric allows you to select a level and provide feedback to students for multiple criteria. Unlike an Assignment activity, the rubric will not appear as a table and it will not show to students on the main discussion page. If enabled students can view the rubric before posting by clicking the View grades button. However, we recommend that you add the rubric to the Forum description so students can easily access it before posting.

Click the Forum link in the desired course.

Click the Grade users button.

All posts made by the student will appear on the left side of the page.

If context is needed to grade, click the View parent post link or View discussion button.

Grade each criterion:

  • Select the appropriate level for each criterion.
  • Provide Additional feedback for each criterion, if you have it enabled.

Verify the Notifications option is correct.

NOTE: The default notification option is determined when you add a forum to your course.

Click the Save button at the top-right corner of the page.

Use the arrows to navigate between enrolled students.

NOTE: Use the magnifying glass if you want to grade a particular student.

Click the Close button in the top-right corner once all students have been graded.

A grading guide will allow you to enter a score and provide feedback to students for multiple criteria. Unlike an Assignment activity, the grading guide will not show to students on the main discussion page. If enabled students can view the Description before posting by clicking on the View grades button. This is also how students will access their scores and feedback after you have graded.

Click the Forum link in the desired course.

Click the Grade users button.

All posts made by the student will appear on the left side of the page.

If context is needed to grade, click the View parent post link or View discussion button.

Grade each criterion:

  • Enter a score for each criterion.
  • Provide Additional comments for each criterion.

NOTE: Click the information icon to display the description for students and graders that was entered for the criterion.

Verify the Notifications option is correct.

NOTE: The default notification option is determined when you add a forum to your course.

Click the Save button at the top-right corner of the page.

Use the arrows to navigate between enrolled students.

NOTE: Use the magnifying glass if you want to grade a particular student.

Click the Close button in the top-right corner once all students have been graded.