Quiz Troubleshooting: Quiz asks for a password I don’t know

Home > Moodle Activities & Resources > Quiz Activity (Exam or Test) > Quiz Troubleshooting: Quiz asks for a password I don’t know

If you inherited a course from another instructor or just plain don’t remember the password you set last term/year you, as an instructor, can check and update that password for you and your students.

Enter the Quiz in question as you normally would (Editing does not need to be enabled)

From the Secondary navigation at the top of the page click the Questions item.

Scroll down to and expand the Extra restrictions on attempts section

The Require password text box will have a series of dots in it, to display the password for sharing or updating check the adjacent Unmask check-box.

You will then be able to see the password in plain text which will allow you to administer that password durring a proctored testing session or in-class.

If you want to REMOVE this password clear the field.

If you changed or removed/cleared the password scroll to the bottom of the page.

Click the Save Changes button to apply the new password settings.