Quiz: Special Access for Individual Student(s)

Your initial course quiz settings can be overridden to set special quiz access for individuals or for groups of students. For example, an individual student can be given unlimited time to take an otherwise timed quiz, such as when a student has a Disability Services accommodation. Use the Unlimited Test Time User role for that student. This will give them an extension in all your Quiz activities. A quiz can also be re-opened for a student who missed it. Do this with the User Overrides link. Finally, quiz settings can be overridden for groups of students. For example, you might want a quiz to become available to different groups of your students at different times. Do this using the Group Overrides link.

Unlimited Test Time User

We have set up the Unlimited Test Time User role to create an exception on timed quizzes for specified students. Using it will allow a student unlimited time to attempt all quizzes, even though those quizzes have a time limit set for everyone else- it will not override the open or close times of a quiz.

Here’s how to use that role:

From your course page, expand the Navigation Drawer

Click the Participants link

On the Enrolled users page, find the student you want to create the Unlimited Test Time for

Click on the plus sign in the Roles column next to that student’s name

In the Assign roles dialog that appears, start typing Unlimited Test Time User

When Unlimited Test Time User appears, click on it to apply it

The student should now have two roles:

  1. Unlimited Test Time User
  2. Student

That student will now be given unlimited time to take all quizzes and tests

User Overrides

A quiz can be re-opened after its Close date for a student who missed it. A different Time limit or quiz Attempts allowed can also be set for individual students. This is done with User overrides

Start on the page for the Quiz you want to set overrides for (click on the quiz from the main course page)

In the Actions menu (gear icon) click on User overrides

Click the Add user override button

You will next see the Edit override screen:

Select the student you want to create the exception for

Choose the parameters to change for that student. You have several options:

  • Enable a new quiz Open and Close date and time
  • Enable a different Time limit for the quiz
  • Change the Attempts allowed for that student

Save the changes (or Save and enter another override for a different student)

That’s it. Exceptions (overrides) have been set for an individual student

Group Overrides

You can set different quiz parameters for Groups of students within your course. Different Open and Close dates can be set. A different Time limit or quiz Attempts allowed can be set for different groups of students. This is done with Group overrides

Before you can use this override, you will have to create Groups within your course. If you are unsure how to do this, read the article Creating Groups Within Your Course

Start on the page for the Quiz you want to set overrides for (click on the quiz from the main course page)

In the Actions menu (gear icon) click on the Group overrides link

Click the Add group override button

You will next see the Edit override screen

Select the Group you want to create the exception for

Choose the parameters to change for the group. You have several options:

  • Enable a quiz Open and Close date and time for the group
  • Enable a Time limit for the quiz
  • Change the Attempts allowed for the group

Save the changes (or Save and enter another override for a different group)

That’s it. Exceptions (overrides) have been set for a group of students