Export Questions from Question Bank

Follow these instructions to export a question bank to a file that you can import into a course in Moodle or another LMS.

Scroll to the top of the main course page.

From the secondary navigation, click the More menu.

Select the Question Bank option.

From the drop-down menu, select the Export option.

From within the File format section, select the Moodle XML format if you are exporting for use in a Moodle course.

NOTE: If you are exporting for use in another LMS, check with the administrators for that LMS. Let them know what options you have available and follow what they recommend. Aiken format can only be used to export Multiple Choice questions.

From the Export category drop-down menu, select the category from where you want to export the questions.

Click the Export questions to file button.

If the Save As dialogue box appears, choose where to save and what to name the file. Then, click Save.

NOTE: If a dialogue box does not appear, the file was saved to your downloads folder by default. Be sure to move your file from the downloads folder to an appropriate location on your computer.

Click the Continue button.

You can now import the question bank into a Moodle course or another LMS.