Gradebooks in Moodle are very powerful with many features. OLET can help you match your gradebook to your course syllabus.
Gradebooks in Moodle are very powerful with many features. OLET can help you match your gradebook to your course syllabus.
There are two standardized Gradebook layouts: Percentages and Points.
In situations where your syllabus has grades broken down into percentages like so:
Attendance & Participation: 10%
Quizzes: 20%
Homework: 40%
Midterm & Final Exams: 30%
Total is of course 100%
You will set up your Course total with Natural aggregation and any categories with Simple Weighted Mean of Grades aggregation.
Each of the above items: Quizzes, Homework, Midterm, and Final Exam will be a category of its own, recommended in that order, populated with the appropriate grade items to add up to the total Course total worth of 100 points with each category being worth its percent value multiplied by 100 (so 20 percent (%) becomes 20 points).
For more detailed information, read this article: Percent-Based Categories.
In situations where your syllabus has grades broken down into points like so:
Attendance & Participation: 100 points (10@10 points each)
Quizzes: 200 points (10@20 points each)
Homework: 400 points (20@20 points each)
Midterm & Final Exams: 300 points (1@100 and 1@200 points)
Total is of course 1000
You will set up your Course total with Natural aggregation and any categories with Natural aggregation.
Each of the above items: Quizzes, Homework, Midterm, and Final Exam will be a category of its own, recommended in that order, populated with the appropriate grade items to add up to the total Course total worth of 1000 points with each category being worth its total points.
For more detailed information, read this article: Points-Based Gradebook.
There are multiple types of gradebook items. Each item requires a different approach to grading. Please use the correct method for grading each item and do not use the grader report to enter grades.
Here are some of the most common grading methods:
Here are some grading exceptions that you might encounter:
The Grader Report will not represent what the student will see when they enter the gradebook. To view the gradebook (feedback and grades) exactly as student would, follow these steps:
Scroll to the top of the main page of your course.
Select the Grades option from the secondary navigation.
Select the User report option from the drop-down menu.
The Moodle gradebook does NOT tie into MyClackamas. You’ll need to manually enter your letter grades to MyClackamas.
You will receive an email from Registration and Records near the end of the term on how to enter your grades into your official roster which is available in MyClackamas under Self-Service or Faculty > Course Management.
Sometimes grade totals may not appear correctly. Grades can be too low or too high. This is probably related to the exclude empty grades setting or having grade items hidden from students.